The Pandemic and what it means to the OG family
As we are all well aware, our daily lives have been drastically impacted as a result of the Corona Pandemic. Government recommendations and guidelines are changing hourly. The trend is for greater social distancing and a community effort to reduce the rate of spread from community transmission, “flatten the curve.” While we expect this situation to continue to be fluid, we know that the situation is expected to worsen before it gets better.
We have been patient and made our decisions based on facts and direction from government health officials. We also believe we have a duty to consider not just the health and well being of our coaches, players and parents. But the health of all members in our community.
Given the above, we have been forced to suspend our facility rentals and season until it is deemed safe to continue with practices and potenital games. This was a difficult decision but we feel it is our only option in the short term. The Ontario Giants will continue as soon as possible and we are committed to doing everything we can to prevent the loss of the development year. In saying that, our OG Coaches have sent documents that players can be following to continue to prepare themselves during this time for a season whenever that may be.
We are currently working with the FJSL on a contingency plan for the summer whether that be with or without US Tournaments. More details are coming, please give us time to develop these plans for what the rest of the season could amount to.
Please everyone take care of yourselves. You have to put your own health first if you want to do your part to reduce community spread. The solution to this problem rests within our community. Let’s play our part.
OG executive