NCAA Eligibility Information
Please find below 3 documents that will help you navigate NCAA eligibility. You can click on the logo above which will take you to the NCAA eligibility website. The documents below are there to help guide you as you progress from Grade 9-12 and the information that you will need to be eligible for NCAA collegiate athletics. As always, the better that your marks are, the more options you will have when you start your post-secondary education. The documents include:
1) NCAA Tip Sheet including:
- New info on increased eligibility standards for those who are 2016 Grads
- How to calculate your current GPA
- Listing of all the Core courses that will make up your 16 that count towards your GPA
- Quick view on what you should be doing each year of High School
2) NCAA Elgibility Sliding Scale
- This document outlines what SAT or ACT score you will need to acheive based on your GPA
3) NCAA International Student Guide
- This includes Canadians so please browse this document.
NCAA International_Students_Guide
NCAA_Eligibility_Requirements_-_Tips (1)
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